This is Prague was selected out of hundreds of books entered in the BolognaRagazzi competition organised annually at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
The book is part of the This is… series of guide books for children originally written by Miroslav Šašek (1916–1980). Having published his essential collection of guides to the world’s nineteen big cities, which in their time entertained youngest readers on all continents, Šašek’s grandniece Olga Černá decided to author the never-written tribute to Prague, employing Šašek’s typical condensed style.
The BolognaRagazzi jury said that:
In this book on Prague the authors take the reader on a fascinating walk across bridges, through traffic, parks and crowded city streets. Theirs is an artistic tribute to Šašek, using collage, drawing and cut-out paper. Very likely, other cities will follow.
This is Prague was published in 2015 in both Czech and English (trans. Justin Quinn) by Baobab, who have also created a video to celebrate the award.